Twelve years ago, a young Kayleigh Haggo went to London to watch the Paralympic Games and told her family: "I want to do that some day."

And now the Ayrshire woman is about to achieve her dream after being selected for the Team GB Boccia squad for the 2024 Paralympics in Paris.

Kayleigh, from Maybole, is now aged 25, and has already represented her country in frame running and swimming at European Championship level, becoming a world record holder in the process.

But the Paralymics was always her main goal.

The athlete, who has quadriplegic cerebral palsy with dystonia, came close to making Team GB in her other events, but it's her boccia skills that will take her to Paris this summer.

Boccia is a sport unique to the Paralampics in which athletes throw, kick or use a ramp to propel a ball onto the court with the aim of getting closest to a 'jack' ball.

It is designed specifically for athletes with a disability affecting locomotor function.

KayleighKayleigh (Image: Paralympics GB)

Kayleigh said: "It is really exciting. I have been competing in Paralympic sport for 13 years now. 

"When I first started out I went to the London Games in 2012 with my mum, as a spectator. I sat in the stand and said 'I want to be a Paralympian'.

"I love the tactical aspect of boccia and it is a sport where you can always get better. You have to really, really work hard.

"Even if you are really good, there still room for improvement. It is a really social sport as well and I get on so well with my teammates.

"My family are so excited. Quite a lot of them are coming to Paris and my mum and gran are over the moon.

"It has been a long journey. It's my third sport, and to finally make it to the Paralympic team makes me so glad I didn't give up. I am very happy."

Kayleigh has already won three gold medals at the European Paralympic Youth Games, set 13 world records and four national age group records in swimming, race running and club throw sports.

And her amazing achievements were recognised in her home town in 2022 when she was invited to switch on Ayr's Christmas lights.

A total of 143 athletes are expected to represent Team GB in the Games, which run from August 28 until September 8.

We're sure the whole of Ayrshire will be right behind Kayleigh when the Games begin.