An Ayr teenager is set to move across the world to play football - and she needs your support to get there.

Isabella Smith, 19, has spent eight years playing football for her beloved Ayr United, which included winning this season's league with the club's development team. 

She is now set to head across to Canada at the end of June to continue her footballing journey. 

Isabella explained: "The plans to go to Canada came completely by chance. I had previously been offered an American scholarship last year but turned it down due to circumstances. 

"When it came round a second time, this time in Canada, I knew it was something I couldn't say no to.

"Opportunities like this are generally only once in a lifetime, never mind twice, so it was a no brainer really."

The young footballer will coach with a company called Premiership Academy, whilst also studying Kinesiology at The Kings University in Edmonton. 

Isabella will also play for the university's football team, the Eagles, as part of an academic and athletic scholarship.

The Ayr native admits it will be sad leaving Ayr United, but leaves on a high after her recent league win.

She said: "I have played football for eight years at Ayr United where we won the league title this year.

"I have had many accolades throughout the years playing for the club, where I have played Scottish regional football, in cup finals and made first team debuts.

"Winning the league with a group of girls I can call family was the best send off from the club that I could’ve asked for."

Isabella has set up a JustGiving page to help with funds for her move, which she hopes will give her valuable life lessons. 

She added: "I think what I will take from the experience is a sense of individuality and it will teach me to take some ownership.

"Moving halfway across the world certainly is no easy feat, especially without any or family friends being closer than a flight away.

"But at the end of the day regardless of what I take from the experience or what I gain, home is only a flight away."

To donate to Isabella's fundraiser, go to