PLANS for a new car wash facility in Ayr have been approved despite a number of objections lodged.

TDR Group Holdings Ltd applied to South Ayrshire Council for a change of use of vacant land at 169 Whitletts Road.

The land next to a row of commercial shops has been lying empty since 2008, but is now set for a new use.

The new facility will involve the erection of a canopy to cover six valet bays, alongside the siting of a storage container and new fencing.

New acoustic boundary fencing with a height of 2.4 metres is proposed along the rear boundary, and part of the side boundaries.

(Image: TDR Group Holdings) New screen planting is proposed along the southern boundary of the site. A one-way system is shown as the access route leading vehicles through the site via the existing access.

Two objections were lodged against the plans, saying that there would be disruption to nearby residents from noise, litter, discharge of waste water and chemicals.

They also stated that there was the potential for the development to result in traffic congestion.

However, council planners approved the plans, saying that there were no concerns regarding the proposed use of the site, "given its previous and long-standing history and use for commercial purposes".

Decision documents stated: "The previous commercial use of the site, including its former use as a car wash are materially significant in the consideration of the current application.

"Given the historic commercial use of the site, it is not considered that this proposal would intensify traffic or noise issues to such an extent that the amenity of the area would be drastically altered or compromised.

"It is also of note that the application proposals have considered amenity issues, and the submission includes the erection of acoustic fencing along the rear boundary of the site, and also partially to the sides."

Granting approval, a number of conditions were placed upon the proposals, including that the car wash must be restricted to daylight hours only and no later than 10pm.

A noise assessment should also be undertaken, and more details submitted to the council surrounding the proposed acoustic fencing and other elements of the plans.