PROPOSALS to give Ayr's KFC store a fresh look have been approved.

The restaurant and takeaway giant had submitted plans to South Ayrshire Council for new signage at the Liberator Drive site within Heathfield Retail Park. 

This included new illuminated signage, new lettering on the outside of the building and fresh posters and vinyl stickers.

The plans have now been approved by council planning officers, with no objections lodged by public bodies or the public. 

Decision documents state: "It is noted that the proposed development primarily consists of works to either replace or refurbish the majority of the existing signs which currently serve the premises.

"This consist of signs on the building itself and multiple standalone and advance signs within the curtilage of the premises, which serve both the premises’ car park and drive through.

"While the formation of signs at the sub-fascia level contradicts with council’s Planning Guidance Policy, given the location of the premises within the Heathfield Retail Park, it is not considered that the amenity of the area will be adversely affected as a result of the development proposal.

"It is also noted that the Ayrshire Roads Alliance offers no objection to the application proposals, it is therefore considered that the advertisement proposal will not adversely affect public safety or impede the operation of the public roadways.

"Given the above and having balanced the applicant's rights against the general interest, it is recommended that the application be approved subject to conditions."