A RAPIST who began sexually abusing young girls when he was just 12 years old has been jailed.

Ian Dunlop, from Troon, was found guilty of multiple historic sexual offence charges dating back to the 1970s on May 28 following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

The now 61-year-old targeted the victims in the Ayr area over a five-year period after being asked to babysit the three children.

The girls were aged between five and eight when the abuse began.

He was sentenced to six years at the High Court in Glasgow on Wednesday.

Judge Douglas Brown told Dunlop that the first victim was abused so often "she lost count".

He added: "It was so frequent that she came to regard it as normal. You kept telling her it was a secret.

"The lasting impact on her is obvious. She could barely bring herself to say your name in evidence and was in tears.

"She says that you wrecked her life."

The hearing was told the second victim has also been left badly traumatised.

Judge Brown added: "The enduring impact on her again is obvious from her distress.

"She described you as 'pure evil' and has explained the devastating effect your behaviour has had on her stating it has changed her life forever."

The court was told Dunlop had "destroyed" the life of the final rape survivor.

Judge Brown remarked the six-year sentence was lower that what it may have been.

He pointed to a number of factors including Dunlop's age at the time, the near 45 years since the crimes were committed and that he had not re-offended as well as the rapist's current ill-health.

His name has been added to the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Non-harassment orders, banning Dunlop from contacting or attempting to contact any of the victims, were also granted for an indefinite period.

Scotland’s Procurator Fiscal for High Court Sexual Offending, Katrina Parkes said: “Ian Dunlop posed a danger to young girls over the course of several years and exploited his position of trust in the worst possible way.

“The trauma these victims suffered was at the forefront of our minds while working to secure this conviction.

“It is thanks to the bravery of those affected by Dunlop’s offending that he has been brought to justice. They should be commended for their bravery and courage.

“We would encourage anyone affected by similar offending to come forward – regardless of how much time has passed.

“You will be listened to and we will seek to secure justice using all the tools at our disposal.”

Detective Sergeant Carley Picken from Police Scotland said: “Ian Dunlop is a predatory individual who targeted three young females to his own ends.

“Despite the passage of time these women came forward and spoke to us, leading to his conviction. I hope this sentencing offers them comfort as they move on with their lives.

“We continue to be committed to bringing all perpetrators of sexual abuse to justice. Time is no barrier to our enquiries. I would urge anyone who wishes to report a sexual crime, regardless of when it happened, to contact us so we can conduct a thorough and professional investigation."