BEACHGOERS were shocked when they came across an animal carcass on Prestwick beach earlier this week.

The carcass is believed to be the remnants of a basking shark, and is around eight metres in length.

It was photographed by Alex McTurk, who informed the Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme about the discovery.

He said: "I have spoken to someone at the marine stranding people who have said they believe it’s a basking shark.

"Based on my own research I believe it’s probably been dead prior to being washed up rather than being stranded.

(Image: Alex McTurk) "I counted the vertebrae and using some maths have approximated the size to about eight metres, so a fairly big one.

"The head and tail seem to be gone so I imagine some animals like seals have had a feast prior to it being washed up."

Earlier this year, a dead basking shark was discovered at Maidens, with social media footage appearing to show the shark caught in rope.