ALLOWAY'S Scottish Women's Institute (SWI) celebrated a successful October meeting.

The monthly meeting featured a bee drive 'with lots of laughter', where members and friends moved around the hall trying to complete their insects.

The joint winners of the event were Elizzie McCubbin and Claire Matthews, while Lorna McNeil received the consolation prize.

A loyalty certificate was awarded to June Foreman for her support of Alloway SWI, especially during the Covid pandemic when she organised Zoom meetings to keep the membership in touch with each other.

The results of the competition were: three pancakes, first place for June Foreman, 2nd place for Betsy White, and 3rd Christina Kennedy.

A decorated box: Elizzie McCubbin was first, Claire Matthews came second and June Foreman was third.

The 'creepy crawly' poem was won by Maureen McKee, with June Foreman taking second place.

The Federation Show is set to be held in Troon Concert Hall on October 26 from 10am to 4pm, and everyone is encouraged to attend.

The next meeting will be held on November 13, when June Wiggins will revive memories of 'Going to the Pictures.'

Next month's competitions are: A Snack for the Cinema, A piece of Costume Jewellery and your Favourite Film Star and Why.

The meetings take place in Alloway Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm.