SCOTTISH Green MSP Ross Greer has welcomed the creation of safe access zones outside abortion service providers in Ayrshire and across Scotland.

The implementation of buffer zones follows the Scottish Parliament passing the Safe Access Zones Scotland Act in June, with the support of 118 MSPs versus just one vote against.

The act, introduced by Scottish Green MSP Gillian Mackay, has created 200-metre wide safe access zones, or buffer zones, around abortion service providers in Ayrshire.

These will stop intimidating anti-choice protests which have taken place across Scotland in recent years, resulting in significant upset and alarm for patients and staff.

Mr Greer said: “This is a crucial step for healthcare and reproductive rights in Ayrshire and across Scotland.

“The kind of harassment seen outside of hospitals in recent years is completely wrong.

"Nobody should have to pass graphic banners or face down groups of people opposite the doors of hospitals in order to access healthcare.

“The protesters know exactly what they are doing, and the distress and hurt that they have caused. Their actions have compromised the right of women to access healthcare.

"Requiring them to hold their protests at least a few hundred metres away acknowledges their right to free speech, but balances it against the right of those trying to get to hospital without harassment.

“I am very proud of my Green colleague Gillian Mackay for all of her work in introducing this Act, and to everyone who contributed to the consultation and shared what I know were very difficult experiences. I was glad to speak in favour of the bill as it went through parliament.

“I hope that this is a turning point and that nobody else will have to run a gauntlet of intimidation to get the healthcare they are entitled to.”