A RACIST has been jailed after hurling foul-mouthed abuse at an Ayr shop worker in a row over post.

Kenneth Glover admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner, shouting and swearing in Mainholm Stores on April 14 this year.

The 45-year-old pleaded guilty to the racially aggravated charge of causing fear and alarm to the female victim - an offence committed while Glover was subject to bail conditions.

He was locked up after a sheriff told him that she could see no alternative to a period of imprisonment due to the offender's previous convictions.

A procurator fiscal depute told a hearing at Ayr Sheriff Court: “On April 14 this year, the complainer was working in the shop.

"The accused entered and approached her complaining that he had not received goods in the post.

“At that point the accused started shouting.

"He called her a 'f*****g bam' and walked out the shop.

"He continued shouting and swearing, calling her a 'f*****g bam', 'f*****g p**i b*****d'.

"He was told not to come back and she contacted police."

Glover was arrested and charged after officers viewed CCTV footage of the incident.

Defence solicitor Steven Maxwell said: “He was placed on a [community payback] order in June after the commission of this offence.

“Rather than impose custody I would ask for a period of supervision that makes [an alcohol treatment programme] a conditional requirement.

“He has already apologised, not to the lady involved but to others in the shop. He was of course barred from the shop and has not been back."

Sheriff Maria Kicinski said: "Mr Glover I have listened to the facts and taken account of your criminal history, which includes periods of imprisonment and orders.

"I don't consider there to be any alternative to imprisonment.

"Today, I will impose a period of 18 weeks, reduced from 20."

Glover, of West Avenue, Ayr, was told he would serve four months of the sentence to take account of both the bail and racial aggravations.