A MEDIEVAL ring discovered at Dundonald Castle is set to go on display for the public to see. 

The gold ring, which dates back 500 years, was discovered at the South Ayrshire site back in 2019.

At the time, Historic Environment Scotland reported the discovery and the item of jewellery has now been allocated to National Museums Scotland.

It is not the first artefact at the museum that has been found at Dundonald Castle over the years.

Georgia Vullinghs, curator of renaissance and early modern history at National Museums Scotland, said: “It is a beautiful example of Renaissance stone-set jewellery from Scotland and enhances our current collection.”

Regular excavations have been carried out over the years, with items including ceramics and engraved slates found.

A spokesperson for Dundonald Castle said: “Archaeological investigations are still ongoing at the site and will hopefully help us learn more about its fascinating history."