PLANS for the Prestwick Spaceport project appear to be dead in the water after any future funding was pulled by South Ayrshire Council.

The local authority has confirmed it is pushing forward with other projects under the Ayrshire Growth Deal, but the spaceport will not be included.

Plans for the spaceport had included the launch of satellites, space flights for people and microgravity experiments.

Alongside the £23 million spaceport, other developments were to include £17 million of road infrastructure investment in the airport area, an innovation centre and hangar space.

Combined, the aerospace and space projects – which were being funded under the Growth Deal – were worth £80m.

A memorandum of understanding had been put in place with Astraius, a UK-based, commercially operated horizontal 'air launch' company, whose technology allows the release of a rocket carrying small satellites from high altitude.

These satellites - some of which are no larger than a shoebox - can be used to access 'low Earth orbit' to carry out activities such as monitoring climate change, tracking deforestation and identifying illegal fishing or mining activities around the globe.

However, with little to no progress on the spaceport plans and amidst rising costs, South Ayrshire Council has now pulled the plug on any future funding to make sure public money is being "spent appropriately". 

A council spokesperson said: "South Ayrshire Council is continuing to push forward on the development and delivery of key projects within the Ayrshire Growth Deal, in partnership with the UK and Scottish Governments, Scottish Enterprise and other local and national agencies. 

"We are working within agreed budgets to ensure public money is being spent appropriately, while making sure that Growth Deal funding delivers benefits for communities and enhances the regional attractiveness of South Ayrshire for further investments.

"Going forward, investment in the Prestwick Spaceport project will not be considered as part of the Growth Deal.

"Significant work is being carried out to define the scope and requirements of other projects to meet current and future needs of the aerospace sector as part of a wider Growth Deal programme review.

"South Ayrshire Council and regional partners will continue discussions with Scottish and UK Governments to explore alternative investment proposals that will maximise the economic growth opportunities of this ambitious £251m Growth Deal programme by 2030."