COUNCILS in Ayrshire have confirmed their views on the possible future implementation of firework control zones (FCZ).

The Scottish Government gave local authorities new powers to designate FCZs in 2022 following a riot in Dundee involving fireworks.

The rules are enforced by Police Scotland, and areas of Glasgow and Edinburgh have already had FCZs implemented.

South Ayrshire Council say that they will not be implementing any FCZs in the region at the present time.

A spokesperson said: "Following meetings internally and with the community planning partnership including Police Scotland, it was decided that we would not be pursuing firework control zones at this time."

In East Ayrshire, officials are aiming to investigate the issue and see if any are required in the region.

A spokesperson said: "It is intended that we meet with representatives from Police Scotland and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service over the upcoming months to seek initial views on whether any firework control zones are required in East Ayrshire.

"If available evidence suggests the need to consider an FCZ, then a consultation involving those living and working within the boundaries of the proposed FCZ, together with community councils and any other appropriate groups, will be carried out.

"Given the timescale required to complete the required processes, it will not be possible to consider zones for 2024, however, it is hoped that all necessary evidence gathering and any required consultations will be completed during 2025."

Currently, communities can request FCZs in North Ayrshire, and the council's cabinet will either approve or deny the application. 

A North Ayrshire Council spokesperson said: "Communities can request that a firework control zone be designated in North Ayrshire.

"The council is currently developing an application form to make it easier to make a community request.

"If you wish to make a community request in the meantime, please email stating what community you represent and why you feel that a firework control zone is required.

"Once sufficient information has been provided, we will seek input on the request from relevant stakeholders, including Police Scotland and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

"A report will then be taken to cabinet, who will decide whether to take the community request forward."