South Scotland MSP Brian Whittle is offering his full support to Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus (SBH) Scotland’s ‘Give us a chance’ campaign.

The charity’s campaign comes as the Scottish Government’s latest parliament statement offers no guarantees to protect disabled people’s services from cuts.

Brian met with SBH Scotland CEO Lawrence Cowan, Chair Dr Margo Whiteford CBE and Amjid Majeed, who has spina bifida and receives support from SBH Scotland, to learn more about the charity’s campaign.

The ‘Give us a chance’ campaign calls on people to sign a letter to the First Minister, demanding that he protect disabled people from cuts.

The campaign also calls on the Scottish Government to release funding to protect the work of disability charities and to make the needs of disabled people across Scotland a priority.

SBH Scotland, which supports people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus across Scotland, is facing a 22 per cent cut to support from Scottish Government this year – a total cut of 42 per cent since 2018.

Brian Whittle, Conservative MSP for South Scotland, said: “I’m pleased to give my full support to SBH Scotland’s ‘Give us a chance’ campaign.

“The needs of disabled people in Scotland should be a priority for the Scottish Government and it is crucial that they protect disabled people from cuts.

“It is important that the vital services that the most vulnerable in our society rely on are protected at all costs.

“I call on the First Minister John Swinney and Cabinet Secretary Shona Robison to properly invest in services to enable disabled people to thrive and lead full lives.”

Sign SBH Scotland’s open letter at