A talented Ayr author who travels the world with Cirque du Soleil is publishing her first novel.

J.J. Marr is a Canadian-born, Scottish writer who travels the world with the famous circus as a props technician.

Her debut novel, The Cards You’re Dealt, was inspired by her experiences growing up as a bisexual, working-class woman in an ever-changing world.

Now, more than ever, Marr believes in using her voice and creativity to encourage thought and dialogue on the themes of classism and feminine self-discovery.

Her novel description reads: "In the Cassino Region, every adult is assigned their rank through the drawing of a card from a standard deck. The higher the drawn card, the higher the rank, meaning more privileges and prospects in the Game.

"Tessa Gamble, a born and raised Elite, was taught to believe in the fairness of this system. However, she soon learns that all is not as it seems. Why do the Elite stay Elite? How do they benefit from a game of their design?

"Determined, Tessa decides to change the system that benefits so few, or die trying, even if the powers that be need her to lose. She learns that you’re not only as good as the cards you’re dealt; you just need to change the game."

J.J. explained: “This book was written from the perspective of two key growth points in my life.

"The first being growing up a woman, who also happened to be bisexual, and the second being working-class.

"In a strange way, it was a dual-disparity awareness that formed my multi-faceted political beliefs that are present in the novel. 

"It was important to me that my protagonist was a woman who 'came-of-age' later in life, because I think a lot of us are confused about who we are and what our values are much further than the standard 16-18 years old coming-of-age stories.

"I wanted The Cards You’re Dealt to be relatable, to show the mind-sets and personal growth of a young-adult who is learning to navigate a world designed to benefit so few.” 

The Cards You're Dealt is due to be published on the September 28, 2024. Find out more at https://www.bookguild.co.uk/bookshop/the-cards-youre-dealt/.