AYRSHIRE'S champions of the Scots language are among the nominees for a top prize at a major awards ceremony taking place in the area next month.

A total of 50 outstanding organisations and individuals in the running for 12 prizes at the Scots Language Awards.

This year, for the first time, the event will be held in Ayrshire – a region steeped in Scots language, culture and tradition and home to celebrated poet Robert Burns.

Taking place at Cumnock Town Hall on Saturday, September 14 in partnership with East Ayrshire Council, the sixth annual awards ceremony will celebrate the importance of the Scots leid – one of the country’s indigenous languages – and the people who champion its use in daily life, education, business, arts and culture.

The Ayrshire nominees are: 

  • Tracy Anne Harvey for Scots Writer o the Year
  • Born in Kyle by Billy Kay for Scots Book o the Year
  • Collier Laddie by Rab Wilson for Scots Book o the Year
  • Danielle McNulty at New Cumnock Primary School for Scots Teacher o the Year
  • New Cumnock Primary School for Scots Schuil o the Year

Entertainment during the ceremony comes from a host of local artists including musical performances from talented Coylton singer, flautist and guitarist Seán Gray.

Simon Thoumire, Scots Leid Awards organiser and Hands Up For Trad Creative Director, said: “We are delichtit the day tae annoonce the nominees for this year’s Scots Leid Awards.

"An whit better place than Ayrshire, birthplace o Robert Burns, tae host the Award ceremony festivities on September 14.

"It is sae excitin tae be able tae bring this national event tae the hertlands o Scotland - an we hae tae gie mony thanks tae East Ayrshire Cooncil for thir support in makin this cam tae pass.

“It is wunnerfu tae hae sic a muckle amoont o talent amang oor Scots leid performers, scrievers, teachers an mair, an we can haurdly wait tae celebrate thir achievemints at the forthcamin Awards ceremony.

"The leid is sic an importint pairt o oor Scottish cultur an national identity an a crucial creative ootlet for sae mony. It is oor privilege tae gie honour an respec tae that.

“Votin opens the day so noo, its ower tae you! Mak shair ye get yer votes in an we wull see ye at Cumnock Toon Ha’ oan Seturday 14th September.”

Provost Jim Todd said: “I can’t tell you how happy I am to see so many well kent names from East Ayrshire on the shortlist of nominees.

"There are so many people working exceptionally hard promoting Scots leid across Ayrshire and to see them shortlisted is just fantastic.

"The Scots language in all its forms is a very expressive way of communication, we all love our brilliant words that are so descriptive and you know immediately when someone uses these words what they are talking about.

"I hope that the people of Scotland will show a similar passion and commitment, and get their votes in.

“I am really looking forward to the final at Cumnock Town Hall and to celebrating with these wonderful, talented people.”

Voting for this year’s Scots Language Awards is open until Sunday, September 8.

Votes can be cast now at www.scotslanguageawards.com.