A report will be brought to South Ayrshire Council in December for the redevelopment of Burns Statue Square and surrounding streets. 

A nominal sum of £2m is being recommended to be set aside for the works from the Ayr West Ward capital fund. 

In March this year, the council's cabinet approved a framework for Ayr town centre which included 10 priority projects for the next 10 years.

One of these was the redevelopment of Burns Statue Square, possibly involving the realignment of the A70 and creating an improved public square. 

Consultants have been appointed to take forward the project into a fully designed and costed plan. Council documents state that this plan is intended to be presented to the local authority in December this year. 

The Ayr Town Centre Framework includes a new Ayr Station and Transport Interchange along with the development of the Kyle Quarter.

The proposals will look to increase footfall and boost spending in the town for the next decade.

Highlights of the plan include the creation of a new transport interchange at Ayr Railway Station, adding a bus station and mobility hub. 

It also involves the creation of a new public space at Robert Burns Square connecting the town centre with the new transport interchange. 

This will be created by extending and upgrading the square by redirecting the A70 and creating public space from Station Road to Smith Street. 

The framework includes the creation of a new Living Well Village at Hourstons and Arran Mall including residential care, day centre, care experienced accommodation and more. 

There are also plans to promote the Kyle Shopping Centre for a mix of uses, including residential, leisure, retail and office use.