AN AYR woman is set to run the Budapest Marathon in October in memory of her late dad. 

Eleanor Hill, 26, will take on the 26-mile race in aid of Thrombosis UK, after her dad, Douglas, died suddenly just two days after he retired.

Eleanor, marketing and events manager at Beatbox Leisure, says she wanted to challenge herself and has been dreaming of running a marathon for the past five years. 

She decided to sign up earlier this year, and knew that Thrombosis UK would be the perfect charity to raise vital funds for. 

She explained: "Two years ago my dad died suddenly of a DVT - deep vein thrombosis.

"I came back from a holiday and was just settling in my flat when one morning my mum phoned me to tell me the heartbreaking news.

"No one tells you how to prepare for something like that. My dad had been retired just two days before he died. 

"Not a day goes past that I dont think of him, so I would like to do something for a brilliant charity.

"If me running 42km means that I can raise some funds to help research, to make sure someone else's dad gets to be on this planet a little while longer, then it's worth it."

Eleanor admits that training for a marathon has been a new challenge, but is one that she has embraced. She has even chronicled her journey on TikTok.

She said: "Training has been intense! I am used to weight training five times a week but this is another beast of endurance.

"I've run a couple of half marathons before, but this will be my first full marathon.  I've been training consistently, running two or three times a week, and doing weight training five times a week to build strength and endurance.

"I'm excited to take on this new challenge and push myself even further. I have also started up my own running TikTok to keep a track of my training at @eleanormayhill.

Eleanor admits she has been blown away by the support for her fundraiser, with almost half of her £300 target already raised.

She added: "The support for my fundraiser has been incredible so far. It's been really touching to see how many people have contributed and shared words of encouragement.

"Knowing that others believe in this cause and are standing behind me motivates me even more to give it my all on race day.

"I'm truly grateful for everyone's generosity—it means the world to me. Dad always thought no one cared but I think he would have been pleased to know that they really do."

The race takes place on Octboer 13.

You can donate to Eleanor's fundraiser at