A series of alterations are being proposed to the clubhouse at Prestwick Golf Club to deliver a "world class facility".

Denizen Works, on behalf of the club, has submitted a planning application to South Ayrshire Council for alterations to the clubhouse.

This includes moving and expanding the current restaurant to give visitors better views onto the greens.

Planning documents state: "Currently, the clubhouse first floor amenities are not of the same standard as the existing ground floor and the existing dining, bar and WC spaces do not meet the needs of the golf club and its users.

"This proposal seeks to make changes to the first floor plan arrangement to maximise the visitor offer and better accommodate the dining, office, bar, and additional WC's.

"To increase the number of covers within the dining space we propose to infill between the existing two rear bays (currently in the office and Cardinal Lounge), to provide panoramic views over the golf course and improve the quality of natural light within the new space.

(Image: Denizen Works)

"We are also proposing to join the two dormers on the rear elevation to make similar improvements to the relocated office spaces."

It continues: "The ground floor interior currently sets the standard for the Clubhouse, following recent refurbishment works.

"The first floor, by comparison, lacks the gravitas of the ground floor and does not meet the needs of the clubhouse and it users.

"The current project brief seeks to address this through a new dining space and bar area.

"These spaces are key to the users' experience and help to sustain the economic viability of the facility."

The club say that the best views of the course are currently occupied by office space, and that the proposals "seek to gift these to the visitors".

The plans also include a new stairway to the first floor, as well as improved and expanded sanitary facilities.

The application concludes: "Prestwick Golf Club is an institution of international significance and the amendments proposed to the first floor will ensure the quality of the user's experience reflects the prestige of the Club.

"Whilst the internal works will prove transformative, the external works are modest in scale and will create a negligible impact on the surrounding context.

"It is important to note that the building is not Listed and the proposed external works impact the later additions to the clubhouse, rather than the original historical building.

"We feel this approach is wholly appropriate in planning terms and look forward to working with the Council to delivering a world class facility to this important building."

The construction of a new clubhouse on the present site took place in 1868, before the clubhouse was extended in 1877 and 90 lockers, which are still in use today, were added in 1882.

A major redevelopment was completed in 1999 consolidating the clubhouse’s prominent position overlooking the first tee and 18th green.

The full planning application can be viewed on South Ayrshire Council's planning portal with reference 24/00603/APP.