Two volunteers from the Girvan RNLI team spent their wedding anniversary inside a floating liferaft in the harbour.

The lifeboat station is in the midst of its 200 hour float challenge, with the crew continually manning a liferaft afloat for more than eight days.

The challenge started on July 24, and is due to finish on August 1, with two people aboard the raft at all times in shifts.

On the third night, John Tait was crewing the liferaft with his wife Lindsay for eight hours, during the week of their 14th wedding anniversary.

John, who has been on the crew at Girvan for 20 years, said: "The wife wanted a cruise to celebrate our anniversary, so this is the best I could do.

"Partners and spouses are so supportive of the roles and sacrifices we make so to share this experience together raising funds for the RNLI is something we’ll remember. "

Lindsay, who is also a part of the fundraising team, added "Spending tonight together in the raft was definitely a unique way to celebrate our anniversary week and one we won't forget in a hurry."

Volunteers in the raft have been receiving donations, hot meals and sweet treats from a variety of Girvan businesses.

The Ailsa Rocks choir even popped along on Sunday to keep spirits high amongst the volunteers.

Donations have already topped £2,500, with a few days left of the challenge. To donate, go to