Initial proposals for a 200 megawatt battery energy storage system on the outskirts of Ayr have been lodged. 

Envams has submitted a request to South Ayrshire Council, to determine if an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) would be required alongside a future planning application. 

The site sits on rural land near the Holmston Roundabout, around 2.4km east of Ayr town centre, and covers an area of around 11.16 hectares.

Limited details of the proposal are available at this stage, but the company says the development would be limited to around 40 years.

(Image: Envams)

A Battery Safety Management Plan (BSMP) would be prepared and applied during construction and operation to prevent and mitigate against fire risks.

The purpose of the development is to store electrical energy that is not needed by the national grid.

During operation, the site will not be lit, unless security lighting is required, which would be sensor operated and only very rarely used.  

During construction and decommissioning, it is likely that all operations would be undertaken during daylight hours.

Planning consent was given last year to RES for the Holmston Farm Energy Storage System near the Holmston roundabout. 

The scheme, which will sit on land currently used as a commercial Christmas tree farm, will store electricity at times when generation exceeds demand, and release electricity back to the grid network when demand exceeds generation.

The full EIA screening request can be found on South Ayrshire Council's planning portal using reference 24/00557/EIASCR.