CCTV upgrades have been put in place at Prestwick Airport train station to improve security for passengers and staff.

The upgraded CCTV system features advanced surveillance technology designed to improve monitoring capabilities and enhance overall security at the station.

The installation of the new cameras and associated infrastructure allows for improved coverage of key areas, both inside the station, platforms, and surrounding areas.

Camera operatives will be able to address any potential security incidents and identify and respond to any suspicious activities or behaviour.

In addition to the enhanced CCTV system, Prestwick Airport continues to maintain a strong security presence and police patrols at the station.

These patrols are conducted regularly to deter potential threats and provide immediate assistance in emergencies.

Kate Kilgour, security manager at the airport, said: “Prestwick Airport is fully committed to ensuring the safety and security of everyone who passes through our facilities.

"The upgraded CCTV system at the station provides a secure environment for all our passengers and staff who use our airport.

“Passengers are encouraged to cooperate by remaining vigilant and reporting any suspicious activities or incidents they observe at the station and surroundings.

"The upgraded CCTV system acts as an additional layer of security, complementing the efforts of the dedicated security team and colleagues at the airport.“