South Ayrshire's community councils have joined forces to give their residents a bigger voice.

The chairs of 14 community councils in the area recently met to agree a constitution for a new partnership.

And the newly formed South Ayrshire Community Council Association will allow the local groups to collaborate and respond collectively on matters that affect towns and villages across South Ayrshire, and link with groups across Scotland.

The new group is open to all 29 community councils in South Ayrshire, with 14 groups being represented so far and apologies being submitted by many of the others.

All the community councils will be kept up to date with meetings and decisions, even if they are unable to attend.

Community councils play an important role supporting and representing communities at the grass roots of democracy.

These volunteer councils work independently to address local issues through various initiatives, from litter clean-ups and community gardening to managing facilities and commenting on major planning applications.

For many communities they are the ‘go to’ body to get things done.

Denise Sommerville, interim chair of the association and the chair of Fort, Seafield and Wallacetown Community Council, said: "I am pleased that like many areas across Scotland we are forming an association.

"This will allow us to speak with one voice on matters that are council-wide. As volunteer community councillors it will help to make us more effective, better able to serve local people and improve the quality of life across Ayrshire.

"We look forward to engaging with South Ayrshire Council as a newly formed strategic body.”

The association will hold its first annual general meeting later this year to appoint office bearers.