Fresh plans have been lodged to install solar panels as part of a "significant investment" at National Air Traffic Services (NATS) in Prestwick.

NATS is the largest air traffic control provider in the UK, working at 15 airports and managing all UK upper airspace from their two centres in Prestwick and Swanwick.

Earlier proposals to install solar panels at the site on Fresson Avenue were approved in December last year, but are now no longer viable for the company.

New plans have now been lodged with South Ayrshire Council for 796 panels, alongside associated infrastructure and landscaping.

Planning documents show that the solar panels will be positioned at a 30 degree pitch to maximise the required sunlight exposure needed to generate the maximum electrical output from the panels.

The proposed ground mount array will contribute to the site wide generation of 1,216 kWp, up to 21 per cent of the electricity requirements for operations at the NATS Prestwick site.

(Image: NATS)  

Documents state: "The development proposals will positively contribute to reducing NATS reliance on the national grid and increase the production of localised renewable energy.

"The proposals will improve the overall sustainability of the NATS site in Prestwick through the long-term investment in this area of South Ayrshire. 

"The siting and design of the proposals has been informed through extensive pre-application consultation with both SAC and the surrounding community as part of the original planning permission to ensure the siting of the solar panels are in an appropriate location.

"The accompanying Glint and Glare Assessment concludes that there would be no detrimental impact as a result of the development. 

"The proposals represent a significant economic investment by a significant local employer and will positively contribute to the overall sustainability of the site.

"This represents NATS continual commitment to future investment in the South Ayrshire area and overall ambition to reduce their reliance on the national grid at the Prestwick site."

The solar panel development follows on from a proposal lodged in June for a new staff support building at the site.

NATS have been located at Prestwick Airport since the 1970s, when they moved into Atlantic House.

The Prestwick Centre was then constructed in 2009 and NATS now delivers key air traffic control services from this building.

Planning documents state that Atlantic House is now underused, and is set to be demolished. NATS plans to create a new building in its place for staff.

The full solar panel application can be viewed on South Ayrshire Council's planning portal with reference 24/00540/APP.