A team from Musashi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu raised more than £4,000 for the Ayrshire Hospice thanks to a unique 24-hour challenge.

Members of the club recently organised a 24-hour 'rollathon' - sparring continuously, pushing their endurance levels to the limit, all in aid of the hospice.

Organiser Chris Reid, 42, says that the club wanted to support the vital charity, and show their own understanding of what people with life-limiting illnesses endure. 

He explained: "My academy has been around for a couple of years, and we decided we wanted to do something for a local charity. 

"We've had someone on our team that has had cancer, and we all know someone affected in different ways, so the hospice was a no brainer. 

(Image: Ayrshire Hospice)

"Our sport is a mixture of judo, wrestling and grappling arts mixed into one, so we thought we could spar for 24 hours straight as a challenge.

"The one simple rule was that there had to be at least two people sparring at all times, so it was a massive endurance event for us." 

Chis reveals that more than 40 people played their part in the challenge, with local DJ Robert Mckee even coming down for the final hours to boost spirits. 

He said: "We had a spreadsheet of people coming in and out at different times of the day and night, and there was also a core group who stayed for the full 24 hours.

"It was actually really emotional. Collectively 47 people took a turn and we even had a DJ at the end which was incredible. 

"It was mega emotional at the end, and we were all really happy for each other to have completed it."

They set an initial target of £500, but in the end more than eight times that amount was raised by generous supporters.

Chris added: "I'm so chuffed that we raised that, because it's hard for people to give money for anything right now.

"It shows you how much people really care about good causes, particularly when they are going through challenging times themselves. 

"We have already got plans in the works for the next fundraiser, so watch this space!"