Prestwick Swimming Pool is set for a revamp after alterations to the building were approved. 

Two years after a previous £300,000 renovation, South Ayrshire Council had applied for planning permission for external alterations to the existing community facility.

This included the installation of blue cladding to the external walls, additional windows to the rear, an external plant equipment area enclosed by a 2.5 metre hight timber fence and gates, and the installation of solar PV panels within the front, south facing roof plane. 

Planners stated that the works would mean the loss of a small area of public open space to the rear of the pool, due to the placement of external plant equipment.

However, it is noted that this loss of land would not be "significant", with the plans given the green light. 

Papers state: “Overall, the proposed alterations are considered to be in keeping with and subsidiary to the existing facility with regard to design and materials.

"As such, the proposed development is not considered to be result in a detrimental impact on either the amenity or appearance of the immediate locale.”