Plans have been lodged to install a garden pod at a Dundonald property to provide beauty and holistic therapies.

The proposals have been submitted to South Ayrshire Council for the garden building at a property in Kilnford Drive.

The applicant states that the garden room would be used to work in, performing beauty and holistic therapies.

Planning documents state: "The proposal is to build a garden room to work in, performing beauty and holistic therapies.  

"I require electricity and to plumb in a water supply/drainage for a sink and toilet. I will be carrying out quiet therapies such as facials, massage, manicures, waxing, electrolysis and micropigmentation.  

"I will be working on my own on mainly Tuesday to Saturday and occasionally other days at holiday times.

"There will only ever be only one client at a time. I will be seeing between three and eight clients per day, with on site parking via the current driveway which can accommodate up to four cars at present."

The plans will be considered by South Ayrshire Council officers.