Ayr MSP Siobhian Brown has congratulated the younger members of the Sunset Beach Skatepark after they raised £2,000 for Medical Aid for Palestinians.

The Skate & Bake event brought together young and old alike in a powerful show of solidarity and support for the Palestinian people.

After attending the event Ms Brown said: "I am impressed by the children's commitment, helped by the adults in the club, to raise awareness and funds for such a vital cause.

"Their interest in helping is truly commendable and an example of the community spirit we see across my constituency.

"The success of the Skate & Bake event is a testament to the generosity of the people of Troon to help those in need thousands of miles away via Medical Aid for Palestinians."

The SNP MSP added: “The ongoing conflict in Palestine has caused immense suffering for countless individuals.

"Families endure daily hardships, from loss of homes and livelihoods to restricted access to essential services like healthcare and education. It is a relentless struggle for basic human rights and dignity.

"At the same time ordinary Israelis also face the constant threat of violence and instability, living in fear of rocket attacks and terrorist incidents. We urgently need a peaceful resolution for everyone involved.”

Speaking after the event, the group said: “The community’s support and the energy of everyone who came out in solidarity with the Palestinian people were powerful reminders of what we can achieve when we come together.

“The atmosphere was truly incredible, filled with an air of love and happiness shared by both young and old.”