Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross praised thriving businesses on a visit to the Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock constituency.

Ross was out knocking doors in Ayr supporting the party's candidate for the area, Martin Dowey, who is also the leader of South Ayrshire Council.

Voters will head to the polls on July 4 to choose between Mr Dowey, the SNP's incumbent Allan Dorans, Andrew Russell of Reform UK, Elaine Stewart of Labour and Corri Wilson of ALBA.

Ross said: "The campaign has taken me to Ayrshire today and these are key seats again where it's a straight choice between the Scottish Conservatives and the SNP. 

"We started off at the aviation hub at Prestwick Airport. It's great to see the opportunities that currently exist within the aviation sector in the hub in Prestwick but there's also opportunities for it to grow even further. 

"Then we came into Ayr town centre and it was great to get a walk along the High Street to see some of the investment that has been made here by the local Conservative-led council and also see the businesses that, again, are thriving at the moment.

"And finally we finished up on the doors here in Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock.

"If voters unite behind Martin Dowey, we can beat the SNP."