This week, we're taking a short hop back 10 years to look at the Ayr Advertiser's pics and stories from June 2014.

Do you recognise anyone in these South Ayrshire photos from a decade ago?

Ayr Advertiser: Crosshill

It was a glorious day of sunshine for the first gala organised by Crosshill’s new community association in 2014. The parade left the community centre to make its way to the football park for the crowning of the Gala Queen Louisa McGill.

Ayr Advertiser: Dundonald

Dundonald Primary School pupils took part in an environmental exercise, aimed at finding out what they would like to improve in their neighbourhood in June 2014. Armed with clip boards, iPads and cameras, they took to the streets with parent volunteers, teacher and members of the South Ayrshire Community Safety Partnership.

Ayr Advertiser: Fire

Ayr Community Fire Station celebrated watch manager Kevin Cumming’s 22 years service as a retained fire officer in June 2014. Kevin continued a proud family tradition in the local fire service, where four members of the Cumming family had served a total of 117 years protecting the public.

Ayr Advertiser: Transport

Transport Minister Keith Brown announced that the £10.6 million A77 Symington and Bogend Toll Improvements project had been completed early and on budget when he visited the road in June 2014.

Ayr Advertiser: The Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra performed in Rome in 2014

Young Ayrshire fiddlers went down a storm while in Rome. The musicians from the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra visited Prestwick twin town Ariccia near the Italian capital to play in 2014.

Ayr Advertiser: Gumball

More than 3000 Scottish petrolheads enjoyed the ear-splitting sound of 65 five turbo-charged engines as Gumball 3000, the most famous supercar rally in the world, thundered into Prestwick Airport in June 2014.