A DEDICATED dad from Coylton is set to dye his beard to raise money for the air ambulance that saved his son’s life.

Nick Reeves will get a new look courtesy of his hairdresser daughter Daisy, to raise vital funds for Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance.

Son Ewan was given lifesaving treatment in Glasgow thanks to the crew of an air ambulance who transported him to hospital from Bute after he fell from a pier.

Daisy explained: “We chose the air ambulance charity because my brother fell ten feet from a pier and broke his collarbone and skull on Bute.

“He was sent to the hospital there, but they couldn’t give him the care he needed, so they had to transport him to Glasgow on the air ambulance.

“He wouldn’t have got the treatment he needed without that vital service, and he might not be here today at all.

Daisy says she has been trying to convince her dad to dye his beard for a long time, and he couldn’t say no to such a good cause.

She said: “I’ve got my hairdressing businesses and I’ve been nagging my dad to dye his beard for years.

“He would only let me do it if it was for a good cause, and that’s how I finally convinced him by dying it in support of the air ambulance.

“We will be doing it in the salon on June 25, and it will be livestreamed on my page so everyone can watch.

“We haven’t totally confirmed the colours yet, but we were thinking the colours of the air ambulance, that would be quite nice.

“We are going on holiday the week after so he is fully committed to the cause, that’s for sure.”

The family have already raised £350 for the cause, with the big dye day set for later in June.

Daisy added: “We are on about £350 of a £500 target, and we are really impressed by how much has been raised so far.

“A lot of people have said they’ll donate when he gets it done, so we’re expecting more to come in.”

Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance is Scotland’s only charity-funded air ambulance service.

It relies on public support to keep flying and responding to time-critical emergencies wherever they occur in Scotland.

From bases in Perth and Aberdeen its crews can reach 90 per cent of Scotland's population within 25 minutes.

To make a donation, go to www.justgiving.com/page/lizz-reeves-1713263318459.