A GROUP of Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts recently enjoyed a thrilling educational visit to the Prestwick Airport fire station.

The young members of the 14th Ayrshire Scout Group, based in Prestwick, were given an extraordinary opportunity to learn about the crucial roles that firefighters play in our community.

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During this fantastic trip, the Scouts engaged in a variety of hands-on activities and demonstrations that provided insight into the daily responsibilities of airport firefighters.

Ayr Advertiser: Scouts fire service visit

The highlights of the visit included:

  • Controlling water cannons: The scouts experienced the power and precision required to operate the water cannons on the fire engine.
  • Firefighting duties: They learned about the specific jobs and tasks the firefighters undertake at the airport.
  • Fire extinguishing: The young scouts practiced putting out fires using fire extinguishers.
  • CPR training: Vital life-saving skills were taught, with the scouts learning and practicing CPR techniques. 
  • Safety uniform experience: Donning full safety gear, the scouts shot fire hoses and felt the thrill of being a firefighter.
  • Equipment demonstration: They were introduced to the various equipment used by the firefighters and learned about its functions and importance.
  • Aircraft exploration: An external tour of the impressive A380 aircraft was a memorable part of the visit.
  • Coastguard interaction: The scouts had the unique opportunity to meet with coast guards, explore their helicopter, and learn about their rescue operations.

Ayr Advertiser: Scouts fire service visit

The experience was exhilarating for the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, leaving them with a deeper appreciation for the work of firefighters and emergency responders. The 14th Ayrshire Scout Group extends heartfelt thanks to the Glasgow Prestwick Airport Fire Station team for their time and dedication in making this visit so special.

Ayr Advertiser: Scouts fire service visit

Beaver Scout Rohan said: "That was the best Beaver Trip ever! I want to be a firefighter when I grow up.”

Ayr Advertiser: Scouts fire service visit

Cub Scout Jarod said: “The firefighters were so kind to us all and let us go in their fire engine and shoot the huge water cannon. It was the best fun ever!”

Ayr Advertiser: Scouts fire service visit

Joanne, Scout Leader from the 14th Ayrshire Scout Group (Prestwick), said: "The entire experience was fantastic, the firefighters were amazing with our young people.

Ayr Advertiser: Scouts fire service visit

"They took time to teach the boys about fire safety in and around the airport.

"The boys were in awe of the firefighters' responsibilities in real fire situations and thoroughly enjoyed putting out an actual fire with different extinguishers, learning which ones are appropriate for various types of fires.

"A massive thank you to the Glasgow Prestwick Airport fire station team!”

Ayr Advertiser: Scouts fire service visit

As a token of gratitude and recognition, all the firefighters were presented with the Scout Fire Safety badge, symbolising their commitment to fire safety and education.

John Samson, the airport’s senior fire officer, said: “We were delighted to welcome the 14th Ayrshire Scout Group to Glasgow Prestwick Airport’s Fire Station.

"It is great to engage with young minds and inspire our next generation. Everyone showed great enthusiasm and curiosity, and we are proud to have provided them with a glimpse into what we do here at the airport’s fire service.

Ayr Advertiser: Scouts fire service visit

“We hope this visit has sparked an interest in fire safety and perhaps even future careers in firefighting. Our team thoroughly enjoyed the day, and we look forward to hosting more community groups in the future."

If you are interested in helping out with Beavers (boys and girls aged six to eight), Cubs (boys and girls aged eight to 10), Scouts (boys and girls aged 10 to 14), or Explorers (boys and girls aged 14 to 17) or helping in the background with things such as building maintenance, finances etc, please contact Kyle and Carrick Scouts using the link below.

If you would like to join the Scouts Association in South Ayrshire, there are groups across the Kyle and Carrick District.

Find more information at www.kcscouts.scot.