Staff from Tam’s Brig Surgery in Ayr handed over an amazing £3,216 to the Ayrshire Hospice after their big charity challenge.

A team from the surgery recently challenged themselves to summit Goatfell on Arran in support of the charity- and their efforts were rewarded by raising over £3,000 from generous supporters.

A spokesperson said: "At the GP practice at Tam's Brig Surgery, we are very aware and very grateful for the work the hospice does to support our patients and their families.

"Most of us working in the practice live locally as well and our gratitude is both on a professional and personal level.

"The hospice provides vital enabling support services, allowing people to live as well as possible to the end of their life.

"Their support continues to those affected by the loss of a loved one, helping people process events and find a way forward.

"This support would not be possible without fundraising efforts and so we are hoping to contribute in some way to this effort."

Staff from Tam’s Brig Surgery couldn’t have asked for a better day, with clear blue skies and glorious sunshine giving them perfect views from the summit.

A hospice spokesperson said: "The team raised an incredible £3,216 in aid of the Hospice – amazing! Thank you to everyone who donated and supported the team on this climb.  

"Your fundraising allows us to continue our care and support for patients and their loved ones at a time when it’s needed the most."