The first step has been taken towards the creation of an interactive trail in South Ayrshire about Robert the Bruce.

The North Carrick Community Benefit Company is commissioning a web interactive art trail across the region. 

Eight sculptures will be sited in Crosshill, Dunure, Kirkmichael, Kirkoswald, Maidens, Minishant, Straiton and Turnberry. 

The sculptures will be supported by integrated digital AI content linked to the sculptures and accessible via an app. 

The country will celebrate the 750th anniversary of the birth of Robert the Bruce in 2024. 

It is believed that he was born in Turnberry Castle and frequented North Carrick during his life. 

Public consultations on the trail have been held, with local schoolchildren also taking part in designing the sculptures. 

Planning permission has been lodged for the first sculpture in Crosshill, which will take the form of a white shorthorn. 

A design statement submitted with the application states: "This is a breed which would have been local in the time of Robert the Bruce.

"It will be positioned at an angle to the road. The site was identified through public consultation.

"The sculptures will speak to the local agricultural and or historic significance augmenting the core Robert the Bruce connection with North Carrick."

The sculptures will be made of modern and robust materials, with a lifespan of 25 years.

The full planning application and more information on the trail can be found on South Ayrshire Council's planning portal at, searching for the reference code 24/00373/APP.