A sex offender caught with a hoard of child abuse images – some of tots as young as two – has been jailed after he was caught making indecent phone calls to under-age girls.

Kenzie McKay was put on the sex offenders register for 10 years after he admitted five separate charges.

The 22-year-old had previously been warned he was “in peril of losing his liberty” for the shocking offences – and when he appeared in court for sentencing, a sheriff told him there was no alternative to jail.

McKay, of Walker Avenue in Troon, had been spared prison in 2020, when he was aged just 18, for possessing and making copies of indecent images of children – but he failed to heed the warning and indeed stepped up his behaviour.

The procurator fiscal depute told Ayr Sheriff Court: “The locus was his home address. Officers attended on October 27, 2022. 

“The door was answered by the accused’s mother and he was found upstairs in the bedroom. A search was carried out and an iPhone found. Cyber crime officers later confirmed it contained child sex abuse material. 

“The accused told officers ‘it was a stupid thing, I regret it’.” 

But again McKay failed to clean up his act – and police were back at his door just three months later.

The prosecutor continued: “Police later heard indecent images had again been uploaded to the internet from the locus. They attended the address and a search was carried out. 

“An iPhone was discovered in the back garden and he said ‘I threw it out the window when police arrived’.” 

“Cyber crime specialists found 180 underage sexual and exploitation pictures on his device, featuring children aged between two and 13.  

“They included horrific images of children being abused by men, and on one occasion by a woman.” 

Details of some of the images were read out in court but are too graphic to describe in the Advertiser. 

Many of the images or pseudo-images were described as ‘category A’, the most serious type. 

McKay, the court heard, also sent indecent pictures of himself performing a sex act to children. 

He asked one child what age she was and when she replied ‘13’, he sent back the message: “Hot.” 

He urged some children to send indecent images back to him. 

Defence solicitor John Gallagher told Sheriff Shirley Foran: “His parents have been supportive, not of the offences, but of him, in very trying circumstances.  

“The report highlight various difficulties in his personal circumstances. He is autistic and has ADHD, and the combination made for a very difficult childhood.

“He is extremely isolated socially, which undoubtedly contributed to the offences, as he spends all his time online in chatrooms.  

“The offences before the court are undoubtedly serious matters, and the aspects narrated have caused a lot of soul searching.

"A member of the press was present last time, and matters were reported. This had a significant impact on Mr McKay.   

“Custody would have the impact of punishment but may not address the issues.

“In this circumstance I would ask you to give consideration to a high tariff community-based disposal with programme requirements." 

Sheriff Foran told McKay: “I’m fully conscious of your youth and your various challenges. However, you have directly analogous previous convictions from 2020 and you are on a community payback order. 

“If any warning was needed, it was given. You continued to offend, and I note with concern that you progressed to online, contacting individuals unknown but vulnerable, and distributing indecent material. I find there is no alternative to a custodial sentence. 

“I note your age, and you remain a young offender. But the fact it’s your second serious definitely limits any mitigation.

“I note your personal issues and accept prison will be difficult for you.”

Sheriff Foran told McKay she believed there was a “high risk” of his reoffending and said she would impose an extended sentence, with supervision which will kick in when he is released.

He was jailed for 12 months, reduced from 18 because of his guilty plea, and will be supervised by social workers for a further 12 months on his release.

The sheriff added: “If you fail to comply you may be recalled to prison.

“You will be subject to the [sex offenders register] notification requirements for a period of 10 years. 

“Failure to comply may give rise to further prosecution.”