Volunteers are wanted to help control ragwort growing in the Deer Park at Culzean Castle.

Ragwort is a native wild flower and in the right habitat this plant benefits native wildlife.

However in the Deer Park, rangers control the growth of ragwort to reduce its spread over grazing fields.

It also contains toxins that in sufficient quantities if ingested can be toxic to horses and other livestock.

The plant can be controlled by hand pulling or using a ragwort/garden fork, and the ranger team will be at the Deer Park on dates throughout the summer to welcome anyone who would like to attend.

The sessions run from 10am to 3pm on June 12 and 26, and July 10. It is open to all, but recommended that children are 12 and older.

Volunteers should bring suitable outdoor clothing and footwear, insect repellent, suncream, gloves and lunch.

Please contact culzeanrangers@nts.org.uk if you would like to come along or for more information.