Plans have been revealed to relocate a war memorial in Mossblown.

The village's current memorial is located at the top of a steep slope accessed via a narrow footpath, making access difficult for older people and impossible for those with mobility issues.

The memorial is also very difficult to see, as it is now surrounded by houses and a small blue sign on the pavement is the only indication of the memorial location.

Due to these issues, the local communities in Annbank and Mossblown approached South Ayrshire Council with a wish to move the memorial.

Following a consultation, a site adjacent to the existing Activity Centre was selected due to its prominence within the village and its proximity to car parking and public transport routes.

A planning application for the move has now been lodged, outlining the proposals for the new area.

The proposed site lies towards the southwestern edge of the village, on the corner of a prominent junction of the B742 and Annbank Road.

The plan will see the monument located on the footway in front of the local Activity Centre, making access easy for all.

New paving is proposed for the entire site to provide a firm, level surface suitable for all users.

Parking, including accessible and EV charging spaces, are available nearby at the Activity Centre with a firm, sloped pavement from the car park to the site.

The junction is open and spacious and will allow groups of people to gather around the memorial.

The proposals include the provision of railings along the edge of the pavement to segregate pedestrians and vehicles.

The monument commemorates the men of Annbank Parish who fell in the Great War from 1914 to 1918, the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 and the war in Afghanistan in 2008.

The full application can be viewed on the council's planning portal.