The local community is at the centre of plans to develop the Girvan's Story Project over the next 12 months.

Following a £170,000 funding boost last year, South Ayrshire Council and partners have been working on a plan to make the most of what Girvan has to offer.

The funding is being used to develop a more detailed bid for the Girvan's Story Project which aims to improve several of the town's landmark buildings, as well as revamping the heritage sites at the shorefront.

If additional funding is secured, around £5m would be spent on the project over five years.

Other initiatives would include the setting up of a small grants scheme to support owners with the cost of shopfront improvements and building repairs.

Traditional skills training would also take place and there would be a heritage activities programme to raise awareness of Girvan's rich history.

Councillor Bob Pollock, Economic Development Portfolio Holder for South Ayrshire Council, said: "We want to make Girvan an even better place to live work and visit and the initial funding is helping us develop a plan to do exactly that.

"As well as protecting important buildings, we want to help businesses and pass on vital skills to the next generation."

The development funding will also be used to appoint a project officer and heritage consultants including a conservation accredited architect to work with the community to develop the scheme over the next 12 months. 

A series of consultation events is planned, and a project team is being recruited to work with local people.

For more information on the project visit