A Hallowe'en party has been organised for Ayrshire's dachshunds - and their owners - this weekend.

The event will be held at the South Newmoor Estate in Irvine on Sunday, October 29 and between 60 and 70 dogs are already getting set for their big day.

Many of the dogs and at least some of the owners will be in their favourite Hallowe'en costumes at the event - and there will, of course, be prizes for the best dressed in the dog, adult and child sections.

There will also be competitions for Best Trick for a Treat, Bone Bobbing, and much more, so get practising.

Ayr Advertiser: Daschshund party

The event will open at 1pm for a 1.30 kick off next to the ATC building on the estate. The cost is £5 per family, which will cover costs and go towards future events by the group.

There will be a large sectioned off pen area for the younger pups who are coming to their first meeting.

That means you can carry them around to take everything in and then when ready they can get down in a safe place with pups their own/similar age for a play.

The Ayrshire Daschshund Group meet weekly for walks around the county, with around 30-35 dogs usually enjoying their time out.

Any owners dressing as skeletons do so at their own risk...