AN AYRSHIRE man who amassed a hoard of sick child sex abuse images in his home over a period of almost eight years has been sentenced.

Craig Beck, 43, pleaded guilty to two charges of possessing and having made or downloaded the images.

The 43-year-old avoided custody but was placed on the sex offenders register and under supervision of the authorities for three years, after the court heard he was now remorseful for his vile images.

Beck, now of Leeward Park, Ayr, admitted having indecent photos or pseudo-photos of children at his previous address at Pennant Court in Irvine between November 2014 and August 2022.

He pleaded guilty to a second charge of making, taking or permitting to be taken the same types of photo or pseudo-photos.

When Beck appeared for sentencing at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on Monday, September 11, his defence solicitor said: "He offers remorse and is ashamed of his actions.

"He now recognises that the offending will have had psychological impact on the victims.

"He is now 43 and I would simply highlight that he pleaded guilty at an early juncture."

The lawyer pointed out that a background social work report had indicated Beck would be "suitable for a community-based disposal".

Sentencing, Sheriff Laura Mundell told Beck: "You will be subject to a community payback order with two requirements. Firstly, supervision for a period of three years.

"Second there will be a programme requirement to take part in the 'Moving Forward Making Changes' programme which runs for three years.

"If you stop going to appointments you will be required to come back and I will be required to give you an alternative sentence."

Beck will also remain on the sex offenders register for the same period and will have to notify police of his whereabouts and of any changes in his circumstances.