A PATNA dad who smashed up a man’s windows with block of wood, causing near £4,000 of damage in revenge for ‘a pool cue attack on his son’, has been told to pay compensation.  

John James O’Keefe, 42, admitted wilfully damaging the property after smashing windows of the home and car on Dalvennan Avenue on June 19 last year.

Sentence was deferred for six months, with O'Keefe told to "start saving" to pay for the damage.  

The procurator fiscal depute told Ayr Sheriff Court: “At 12.10am the complainer went to bed. At 7.25am the complainer noticed damage to the patio doors, windows and vehicle. 

“He owned CCTV and on reviewing the footage managed to identify the accused.

“He observed the accused smashing the windows with a piece of wood.” The court heard O’Keefe caused around £3,775 worth of damage.  

Defence solicitor John Gallagher said: “[O’Keefe] has a son who, I’m advised, was assaulted in a public house by the complainer with a pool cue.

“He was out drinking and it was a spontaneous action. 

“The piece of wood was lying in the garden. He regrets it and there has been no further argument with the complainers.

“The court is likely to seek some damage compensation. “He is a builder by trade. He has an issue with his knee but due to engage in employment again in a few weeks.”  

Sheriff Siobhan Connolly said: “Mr O’Keefe, this is completely unacceptable behaviour, regardless of circumstances. It’s not the way to deal with it.  

“I take account of what has been said, and I’m prepared to defer sentencing for you to show good behaviour for six months.”  

“It was nearly £4,000 of damage so you’ll need to start saving so the court is able to deal with you."

When O’Keefe of Downieston Court, returned to court this month, Mr Gallagher told Sheriff Desmond Leslie his client had now saved £2,200 for the damage.

Sheriff Leslie told O’Keefe he could pay the rest of the sum at £350 per week.