Awareness of the signs of bladder cancer is being promoted as part of Bladder Cancer Awareness Month.

Around 1,700 people are diagnosed each year with invasive and non-invasive bladder cancer in the Scotland.

Five-year survival rates for bladder cancer in Scotland are the lowest in Europe.

One of the main barriers in the timely diagnosis of bladder cancer is related to the symptoms.

Symptoms and how people respond to them can vary, especially as some symptoms are not immediately seen as linked to bladder cancer.

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The discovery of blood in the pee, painful peeing, and irregular peeing can all be mistaken for other conditions, causing bladder cancer to be overlooked.

The campaign aims to bring attention to the misinterpretation of symptoms and encourage people to re-evaluate their symptoms, as what they thought they saw may be something different.

South Scotland MSP Sharon Dowey said: “Considering the survival rates haven’t improved here in Scotland for over three decades now, we need to raise awareness of the symptoms to encourage people to get checked early and begin treatment early.

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“On top of that, considering an early diagnosis and treatment can help the survival rate reach 90 per cent, I’ll be asking the Scottish Government what plans they have to improve survival rates and raise awareness of the disease.”

CEO of Fight Bladder Cancer Dr Lydia Makaroff added: “Bladder cancer is more common than people think, and in many cases – patients hear of bladder cancer for the first time when they receive their diagnosis.

"Bladder cancer can no longer remain the forgotten cancer because delays in diagnosis and treatment cost a life.”

“Everyone who experiences these symptoms, especially if they see blood in their urine, should see a doctor.”