A CARE at home service has urged people to prevent isolation for elderly residents this Christmas by ensuring they are warm and safe.

Mears Care who have a day care centre in Troon has issued advice to help older friends, relative and neighbours over the cold Winter season.

They have suggested ensuring they are keeping warm, having regular meals and hot drinks and moving about to keep fit and healthy, body and mind.

And they highlighted the importance of providing a bit of company and having a this to help prevent isolation as older people in the community want to stay connected.

Lynn Skedd, manager of Mears Belhaven Day Care Centre in Troon, says: “Our day care centre here in Troon provides all year round care for older people who attend a day or two a week, ensuring a safe and happy environment for older and less able people living independently in their own homes.”

“We know first-hand that one of the biggest challenges for the elderly population is a feeling of isolation if they are not socialising. Our Day Care centre tackles this head on, providing a safe warm place with hot meals provided, where they can join other older people for a natter and some fun activities. At this time of year, we would encourage everyone to look out for neighbours and those less able, who may be living alone. Ensure they have enough food supplies if getting out becomes more difficult with bad winter weather.

“Community support is even more important in the shorter days of daylight we experience through Scottish winters. Some regular activities go on hold over the holiday period which can make some people feel even more isolated.”

Mears provides care at home to more than 3,500 older and less able people across Scotland.