TROON’S Scrabble Club is the biggest in Scotland and club leader Ian Wilson is hoping it will continue to flourish as they celebrated Christmas with a lunch in the Harbour Bar.

The Scrabble club was set up back in September of last year by Ian in the Troon Library. He saw a notice in the library about the possible start up for a new Scrabble club and he became very interested. Ian’s brother Tom is the Scrabble champion for the whole of the UK.

The family connection with Scrabble has always been there for Ian. Though his brother is champion at the board game, Ian was keen to use his love for the game to encourage others to get involved.

Ian, originally from Rutherglen, said it is more of a social activity for him.
He said: “We get together twice a week in Troon Library for a few games of Scrabble and a few cups of tea. It is more of a social event for me to see friends and have a few games.

“We have become the biggest club in Scotland with 26 members. However, I would not like to see it grow. We couldn’t accommodate anymore but I am keen for the club to become more prominent in the community.”

Ian became club leader not long after the club’s inception. With 26 members, Troon is the biggest club. To compare, Glasgow reportedly only has eight members.

Mr.Wilson is also keen to get youngsters involved with the board game.
He said: “I would like to get youngsters away from screens. I have approached schools for kids ages P7-S2 to get involved but unfortunately I have had little response.”

On Monday, Troon Scrabble Club held their Christmas lunch for members in the Harbour Bar to come together, enjoy a meal in the festive season and have a few games. Ian was most appreciative to Johnny Morton at the Harbour Bar for his support.

He said: “We have great support from the Harbour Bar and Johnny Morton. When it is a Bank Holiday, the Harbour Bar accommodate us. Johnny puts on snacks for us and is happy to sponsor us and hold fundraisers. So we can’t thank them enough.”

Ian has also spoken about his hope to raise money for SANDS, the Stillbirth and neonatal death charity. He is hoping to invite anyone in Troon to personally challenge him to a game of Scrabble. For every point they score against him a penny will be donated to the charity. He is hoping to raise awareness for this in January.

For more information on Troon’s Scrabble Club go to Troon Library or contact Ian personally on his mobile 07531 529531.