AN AYR man threatened to 'carve up' his dad with a bread knife after waking up his parents at their home when drunk and on medication.

Alexander Henry pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner and assaulting his father at Gorse Park, Kindcaidston on June 13 this year.

The 25-year-old, of Fernwick Avenue, Ayr, admitted acting aggressively and making threats of violence, all while in possession of a knife, before punching his dad on the head.

Procurator fiscal depute Jade Podlesny told a hearing at Ayr Sheriff Court: “At 11pm the accused arrived at the locus under the influence, shouting, banging and cased his parents to be woken up.

“His father could see the accused and asked him to leave.

“The accused went into the toilet and came out with a small bread knife. He appeared under the influence being abusive, shouting and swearing.

“He threatened to ‘carve him up’ and ‘do him in’. He then punched him to the side of his face, his father, defending himself, punched the accused who dropped the knife and attempted to restrict the accused who was highly agitated and irritable.

“Police were contacted and he continued to abuse his parents until police arrived at 12.50am."

Henry was cautioned and charged and replied to officers: “Yeah it was me, I had a knife and said I’m going to kill him.”

Defence solicitor Steven Maxwell said: “Comments were made in anger and exasperated by alcohol.

"It is quite clear my client ought not to take any alcohol due to prescribed medication."

Sheriff Mhairi MacTaggart said: “This is serious, your parents are entitled to feel safe in their house."

After confirming he was prepared to undertake a community payback order and unpaid work, the sheriff added: “I do not want to be told that due to your mental health you can't [complete the work], this is an alternative to custody.”

Henry was placed on an 18-month community payback order with 150 hours of unpaid work to be completed within a year.