MSP Siobhian Brown has met with a local additional support needs group to help in their quest to secure a permanent venue.

The Ayr, Prestwick and Troon MSP welcomed Ciara and Lynzi from local group, Spotty Zebras, to discuss the challenges they are facing securing a permanent home for their organisation.

Spotty Zebras helps children with additional support needs and their families. They run a host of activities and support groups including gymnastics, indoor rock climbing and youth clubs.

These activities are a great opportunity for the children to have fun and for parents find a support network.

The group is currently in the process of securing charitable status and additional funding, with the end goal of establishing their own permanent premises.

This would allow them to offer more regular services and expand their work to support more children and families.

Ms Brown said: “It was a pleasure to meet with Ciara and Lynzi from Spotty Zebras and hear about the amazing work they are doing in the community.

"They offer a vital respite to many families who are under immense pressure due to the additional support needs of their children.

“I thank them for sharing the challenges they face in terms of funding and securing a permanent facility to work from.

"This is especially important as children with additional support needs often feel most comfortable with routine and familiar surroundings.

“A permanent facility would provide this structure and allow Spotty Zebras to offer the best possible support for the young people in my community.

"I would encourage anyone who needs the support to reach out and if you can think of ways to help them fulfil their potential then do the same.”

Kiera, the chairperson of Spotty Zebras, said: “In an ideal world we would like to have our own private facility which would have space for the kids to play football, do gymnastics and other activities. We’d also like sensory and therapy rooms.

“One thing we have noticed is that although the parents are happy with the support and services we offer, they are disappointed to learn that we are only able to offer our services once a month.

"It would be amazing if we could expand our support and make it a more regular for the children.”